Though Credibility is vital for success, there is yet no accepted way to define or measure it and by extension – to improve it. This survey by the Organisational Behaviour Team at Vernalis, aims to define an HR Credibility Index and yield novel insights on:
1. Factors Impacting Credibility
2. Credibility of HR across organizations
3. Perception gaps between HR & others
3 Minute Survey
[A copy of the HR Credibility Report will be shared with all survey respondents]
Invite Non-HR Colleagues
HR Credibility perceptions are valid if predominantly collected from Non-HR professionals. Therefore, we urge you to share the survey not only to your friends in HR but also to as many Non-HR colleagues and friends anywhere, so as to improve its validity.
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Get a customised report on HR credibility in YOUR organisation, along with insights on relative performance and methods to improve credibility
I'm Interested
In case of queries, feel free to write or call:
Indu Bilaney
Sr. Consultant, Org Design & Transformation Practice
- 91 22 6725 8000
- 91 97680 74455
The study is entirely confidential and will not collect any personal or organisational information except that which is willingly shared. The Survey can be taken entirely anonymously. Only Respondents from Organisations desiring a Customised HR Credibility Index report need identify their organisation. No Data will be shared with ANY third party except in aggregated form.

Vernalis India Pvt. Ltd.
6C3 Gundecha Enclave,
Kherani Road, Saki Naka,
Andheri East, Mumbai - 72.
Board: +91 22 6725 8000